The Nudy series are known for their very pixelated coloring and semi-transparent look. The Super Nudy are basically the same design, with slightly stronger coloring and a thick outer ring. I think they look kind of unsettling, hence my hatred for them. The color is also a bit dark.
Natural light (next to balcony)
I think if these lenses are brighter and more yellow, they would make excellent Na'vi cosplay lenses. They are 14.8mm which are a bit too big for my taste. o_ONatural light
Speaking of bright color, here are some comparison with my EOS Dollyeye Brown, which are bright golden yellow and opaque:Natural light
These two type of lenses both are single-colored with black outer ring, but color-wise the Super Nudy are a bit more natural.Here are comparisons with EOS Max Pure Brown, another popular lens series:
Natural light
If you look carefully, you can tell that the Super Nudy are even larger than the Max Pure. My eyes are not big to begin with, and I think 14.8mm are definitely too big! -__-Here are all the lenses I wore in this review. Clockwise from the top: Super Nudy upside down, Max Pure, Super Nudy right side up, Dollyeye.
Design: 5/10 - Nudy's design always reminds me of cataracts
Enlargement: 11/10 - Way too big, man =___=
Comfort: 7/10 - Geo lenses feels thicker than EOS on my eyes
TOTAL: 6.5/10 - I know these are popular, but I just don't like them :(
Thank you Mukuchu for the lenses!