This is my review of Neo Dali Extra Brown, a pair of natural dark brown lenses from one of my favorite lens company. I am in love with the subtle pattern that nicely blends with my real eye color, and they have become my go-to lenses for everyday wear.
When you look at the lenses from a distance, they look plain brown; it is not until you get up close that you can see a light gradient towards the middle.
Natural light (next to window)
Indoor light
The Dali Extra provide very decent enlargement while still looking natural. I think that lenses like these shouldn't have diameters larger than 14.5mm, so that they can be worn daily.
Natural light
Indoor light
I have Dali Extra lenses in grey as well, and I absolutely love them to pieces as they are very unique-looking but not weird. Here are some comparison pics of the two colors. Natural light
Indoor light
I also compared the Dali Extra Brown with the natural lenses I have on hand. The Hypersize Platinum Brown are darker in color when compared to the Dali Extra Browns, but their sizes are basically the same. Natural light
Indoor light
When compared to EOS Max Pure Brown, the Dali Extra brown are slightly smaller but the color is warmer. I think the edges of the Dali Extra are a bit softer too.Natural light
Indoor light
Here are all the lenses worn in this review. Top row: Dali Extra Grey, Platinum Brown, Max Pure Brown; bottom row: Dali Extra Brown right side up, Dali Extra Brown upside down.
Design: 10/10 - Very natural and delicate design!
Enlargement: 8/10 - Not so huge that you can't wear them without makeup
Comfort: 9/10 - Neo lenses are always comfy for me
TOTAL: 9/10 - I love these lenses almost as much as I love their grey counterpart :)
1 comment:
i love your reviews .. they are in depth and informative...
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