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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Circle Lens Review - Puffy 3-tone Brown

This is my review of Puffy 3-tone brown, sponsored by Apple of Your Eyes. These lenses are very unique and exotic, and I love them to bits and will definitely get the other colors!

The lenses are printed in a pattern that mimics real irises, and consists of three colors: Dark brown thin outer ring, main olive-brown ring, and an inner auburn ring. They look a bit green in some light, and kind of reminds me of the eyes of some animals like lemurs and lizards.

Natural light (next to window)
Indoor light

These lenses definitely enlarges well, but since there is no harsh black outer ring, they are not very in-your-face.

Natural light

Indoor light

I have two pairs of lenses that have similar exotic design with different inner-ring color, so I figure they would be pretty good comparison with the Puffy Browns. First up are my Geo Princess Mimi/Bambi Browns, which has a dark spiky outer black ring compared to the Puffy Browns. They are also clearly red-brown, while the Puffy are more olive. 

Natural light
Indoor light

The EOS Misty Greens are a bit smaller than the Puffy Brown, but they also have that vaguely lizardlike design.

Natural light
Indoor light

Here are all the lenses featured in this review. Clockwise from the top: Puffy Browns right side up, Princess Mimi Brown, Puffy Brown upside down, Misty Green.

Design: 10/10 - They are so unique and cool looking!
Enlargement: 9/10 - Clearly enlarging but not creepy-doll large :p
Comfort: 8/10 - I feel that they are a bit thick as I clean them, but they feel OK on my eyes.
TOTAL: 9/10 - I liked these lenses when I first saw them in ads, and in person they are even lovelier!

Thank you Apple Of Your Eyes for the sponsorship!


Glee said...

I have these in grey...and I tell you its the best grey lens i've found to date.

Liyu Jishin said...

love these. I had the aqua ones. they are so comfortable and vibrant. just beautiful. i'm getting puffy ones again soon! :D

great review! love your blog.

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