The Honey Wing lenses are designed by the popular Japanese gyaru model, Masuwaka Tsubasa. Here is a pic of her modelling the lenses:
Natural light (next to window)
The bottles said these lenses are 14.5mm but they seems to be a bit smaller than my other lenses of the same size:
Natural light
Here are some comparison pics with other popular lenses. First up are the EOS Max Pure Brown:
Natural light
Next up are the Candy Magic King Size Brown:
Natural light
Here are all the lenses worn in this review. Clockwise from the top, the Honey Wings upside down, the King Size Brown, the Honey Wings right side up, and the Max Pure Browns.
Design: 8/10 - Nice simple design, not harsh at all
Enlargement: 8/10 - Not much enlargement
Comfort: 7/10 - GEO lenses are thicker than my other lenses, but they don't slide around
TOTAL: 8/10 - I think these are good everyday lenses, especially with lighter color hair :)
Thank you GWYSHOP for the sponsor!
These look great! I just ordered a pair and I'm anticipating their arrival.
wow a really nice color!
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